Personal Loan
All a personal loan can do is help you get out of an unexpected financial bind. Typically, obtaining a personal loan does not need you to provide a guarantor or security, nor does it require you to explain to the bank how you plan to spend the loan amount. You can easily obtain a personal loan with the best repayment plan and lowest interest rate if your monthly income is sufficient.

- 1 pan card
- ID proof Passport/voter ID/ Aadhar or drivers licence
- Residence Proof Passport/ Landline bill/ post paid mobile bill/ rental agreement or Bank Statement
- Age Proof Passport/ drivers licence/school certificate or Pan Card copy
- Income Proof – Latest 3 months salary slips
- Banking Statement – 6 months bank statements
- Job Stability & Continuity Offer Letter, Relieving Letter and Form 16
- One photograph
- Age of the applicant should be between 21-60 Years
- Salaried individual with minimum income of Rs 15,000. Salary bracket would again depend on the city you live in and the company you work for. Eg. If you are in a Metro the salary requirement will be higher than non-metro and again if you are working in a top MNC the salary requirement would be lesser than one working with a startup.
- Should be staying in the city for at least 3 month
- Total work experience should be at least 6 month
- You would require basic documentation such as your address proof, identity proof, latest bank statements etc
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